The Patient of The Month in Durham NC

March - 2025
Meric G.
Looks like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree! Greatness is once again made—and this time, it’s kept in the family!
Meric's got the fighting spirit—complete with an absolute passion for the mind/body/spirit connection that comes from his love for martial arts.
It was at a Movewell workshop where it seemed to all fit together for him. Since then, Meric's been more excited than ever, anticipating the next thing he'll learn about bettering himself each visit. It's that love for balance and adaptation towards a new way of thinking that will make him not only a stronger warrior, but a healthier human being.
"Be water, my friend." - Bruce Lee

February - 2025
Marie W.
When asked, many people would probably tell you that their health is important to them. Some would even use catchy phrases like "health is wealth," or "live, laugh, love" to encapsulate their philosophy about its importance.
For Marie W, her health is truly "a matter of the heart."
Marie has gone many lengths to ensure she takes her vitality to the highest level possible. Despite our office being 2 hours away, Marie has come faithfully to every appointment.
The results Marie's received due to her perfect attendance and doing all the "homework" is living proof that great changes can occur when you're dedicated to making them happen.
Congrats, Marie W.
May your labor of love towards living a happier, healthier life continue to love you back.
Enjoy the Life!

January - 2025
Dr. Li
Once again, this is proof that even doctors need doctors!
In life, it is expected that we all do our part to give our best efforts towards helping each other. However, it is just as important to ensure you receive the best for yourself. Sometimes, that means going the extra mile for it.
The first "patient of the month" of 2025 definitely does that!
After spending her entire workday giving her all to her patients, she becomes one of ours. There's something to be said about someone who cares about their quality of life as much as they care for their patients.
It's commendable.
It deserves to be acknowledged. And, in our office, it deserves an award.
Enjoy the Life!

December - 2024
Jerma J.
We live in a world where the terms "earn your stripes" and "get in where you fit in" are commonplace. Sometimes, a surprise comes along in the form of a person who's so eager to learn that they just fit perfectly into the very framework of our healing practice-like a hand in glove. That surprise's name is Jerma.
From the very first visit, we show our patients a whole new world of healing, a new way of thinking, and a new approach towards every aspect of life.
What makes her so special is her excitement-she genuinely enjoys the process through and through! That enjoyment works synergistically. There's no energy like positive energy, and Jerma, you've got it in spades!
Enjoy the Life!

November - 2024
Dr. Diamse
Once again, the statement has proven itself to be true: "Even doctors need doctors!"
Dr. Diamse is a very busy man, but he came to the realization that, if he's not 100%, he can't give 100% to his patients.
That's why Dr. Diamse finds his way through bumper-to-bumper traffic to get here no matter how challenging his day has been.
It's proof that he truly understands the value of his health, and we're more than happy to help him be the best he can be.
The traction is tough, but he's tougher, and he knows it's all worth it.
Congrats, Dr. Diamse!
Enjoy the Life!

October - 2024
Kerri D.
Tried and true, this patient has been coming to the office for many years!
Simply put, her tenacity is top notch.
Couple that with her uncurbed enthusiasm for POPE 2-Way traction, and you've got a spark that shines a light so bright that it's impossible to miss!
Kerri understands that, in order to maintain her high level of energy, she has to continue to receive the healing that helped her get there-her chiropractic care!
Congrats Kerri D!
Enjoy the Life!

September - 2024
Prema K.
Every once in a while, our office is blessed by a sincere spirit who takes our approach towards healing at face value and just gets it.
Prema K. is that person! She's an advocate for holistic health who's shown tons of positivity towards that process
From the exercises and traction she receives in office, to the nightly "homework" she completes via Denneroll, to the Movewell Workshops we hold no less than twice a month, she's all in!
That type of high-altitude level of positive attitude is every bit as much of an affirmation of healing to all around her as it is to herself.
What a sight to see!
Congrats, "Prema" K.
Enjoy the Life!

August - 2024
Amough T.
His posture is not the only thing that's improving. His trust in the process has given him a newfound confidence in everything he does.
From the traction setups to his everyday life, his attitude has risen in altitude by way of a tenacity that's defying gravity!
Congrats, Amogh!
We call you "Mo" for short, but you sure are standing tall!

July - 2024
"Argyl" R.
"Argyl" has shown us all that he truly has a passion to improve!
Since his first visit, he's improved in every way you can imagine!
One of his greatest achievements so far has been his balance.
If you ask him, he'll tell you it was all due to his daily Denneroll treatments and the MoveWell program!
If you happen to hear someone singling along to the office music, more than likely, it's "Argyl."
He's got a song in his heart!
He's got a swing in his step!
It's like he's dancing!

June - 2024
Teresa R.
How's that saying go? Ahh, yes-it goes, "It's like night and day."
What started as skepticism turned into an entirely new way of thinking about how the body heals.
Teresa had experienced chiropractic care before, but not in the unique and different approach that we administer it.
This led to a lot of questions and even a little doubt. However, she decided to take the chance and go all in.
She's so glad that she did.
Not only is she improving her posture, her whole outlook on chiropractic care has changed. She even asked our staff to take photos of her traction set-ups so that she can show others how the healing happens here!
Congrats, Teresa R!
May your testimony of health and healing be the light of everyone's day!

May - 2024
Matthew B.
He's a young man of reserved words, yet he's proven to himself and this office how much action he has truly taken to improve his quality of life.
The tractions are tough, but he's tougher.
The exercises which are meant to test his body's mobility and balance have been surpassed by this young man.
He's shown us all where he stands within the entire process-firm.
"But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved."
- Matthew 24:13

April - 2024
Mike F.
"Son said, 'Hov how you get so fly?' I said, 'not being afraid to fall out the sky'." Sean Carter, excerpt from the song "Beach Chair"
It's a quote that's synonymous with the human experience itself-an instance that stands tall to defend the hill of art imitating life.
What does it mean? It means that, in life, we need to take chances without fear to improve our situation-whatever said situation may be. In regards to his health, Mike F. has succeeded in doing just that, and it shows.
Chiropractic care wasn't an avenue he explored before coming into our office, but he decided to take the chance and make the choice for a holistic approach towards his health and healing. Ask him, and he'll tell you that, by taking that chance, he's achieved an amazing level of change-not just in his posture, but in his everyday life.
Chiropractic care visits, chock full of exercises and varying traction setups, have changed the way he thinks about how his body responds to the world around him. Faithfully attending Movewell classes have changed his life in regards to mastering his body's functional movement. His attendance is perfect, but he strives to participate in the healing process to constantly get better. We love to see it!
Congrats, Mike F. Continue to strive for perfection within yourself! It's all worth it.
Enjoy the life!

March - 2024
Joseph B.
"Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone." James 2:17
The world we live in is chock full of people who are in need of health and healing. Yet time and time again, it has been proven beyond a shadow of doubt that believing in the process of healing alongside doing the work towards that goal of achieving a better quality of life go hand in hand.
As a matter of fact, without both, no healing will take place.
Enter Joseph B.
He's the kind of young man who understands the need for both belief in a plan and the plan itself.
From wearing his KyphoBrace up to 20 hours a day, to completing all of his "homework" via Movewell and doctor recommended exercises done daily, you can clearly see he wanted to get better.
And guess what? It all worked.
Together. He's an inspiration to all who know him to do the same to achieve, well, just about anything!
Congratulations, Joseph B. Luck had nothing to do with the power and glory of your story.

February - 2024
Dan S.
Ask most people the first thing that comes to mind when they think of the month of February, and they'll say, "Love." They're thinking about Valentine's Day more than likely—that "flowers, cards and candy" kind of love.
But what about a love for yourself?
Dan is a great example of a person who has a love for himself.
He cares about his health and wellbeing. It shows in his dedication to every visit, every MoveWell workshop, and every bit of homework he does to improve himself.
Flowers are sentimental, but temporary. Cards get lost, and simple carbs stay in the worst kind of way. However, the healing process is a love for yourself that will last as long as you live.
Congrats, Dan S.
Enjoy the Life!!

January - 2024
Dr. Slomovitz
Even doctors need doctors.
Think about that for a moment. Health care providers are also patients. It's a synergy that many people don't realize until it's read or said, but it's one of the greatest examples to represent the fact that we all depend on each other.
Dr. Slomovitz, D.D.S. knows that his health means everything. Without it, he cannot help contribute positively towards the health of others. Chiropractic care helps Dr. Slomovitz to be the best that he can be in his practice of Dentistry.
He's got a busy schedule, but he also knows that his health is the highest priority.
It's that "high altitude" attitude that's not only got him this far in his progress, but will carry him through much farther—in his practice, and in his life.
Congrats, Dr. Slomovitz.

December - 2023
Jadan Z.
At a time where almost everything we see has something to deal with the obsession of material possession, there's still a light that shines through people who know that the best things in life are priceless.
One of those things happens to be our health. Jadan completely understands that.
Though she's achieved structural correction, Jadan still sees the importance of coming in for regular visits to maintain her progress.
It's that kind of presence and participation in keeping a high quality of life that's truly a gift that she gives to herself.
Congratulations, Jadan! Your presence is a gift!
Enjoy the life!

November - 2023
Lilian T.
It's that time of year once again, where we place a lot of intent towards remembering what it is we are grateful for.
Most say they are grateful for food, clothing, and shelter.
However, there's one more staple that we all need to be grateful for that's hardly mentioned--Our health.
Lilian is definitely one of those people who, though she doesn't say much, has told us how grateful she is for her health and our help.
It's a gift she's always been as happy to receive.
It's also the gift that we've been happy to give.
Congrats, Lilian!
Enjoy the Life.

October - 2023
Christin R.
"You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it." --Charles Buxton
We live in a world that's chock full of tasks and distractions vying for the attention we pay to them. However, there are certain things that should take top priority when it comes to the time we spend. One of those facets of our lives happens to be health. Why? Because without it, we can do nothing.
Christin R. understands this so well, we had to showcase her this month.
She's an upholder of the law—an enforcer of its principles. She works hard in order to dare and do the mighty thing of establishing justice and commanding peace as an officer.
What she doesn't do is miss her chiropractic appointments. She makes time for that to ensure she's her best version to uphold said law. And that deserves a tip of the hat, an award, and her smile on our board.
Congrats, Christin R.
Enjoy the life.

September - 2023
Arnica F.
Whether it's the weekly grind at work or our oh-so-familiar family life at home, there are times when knowing our world like the backs of our hands becomes routine. Sometimes, that routine might not be met with the same enthusiasm we've once brought to the table.
But sometimes, there comes along a person who exudes enthusiasm and reminds you how important enjoying your life really is.
Our Patient of the Month is that person.
Her smile passes onto anyone around her like a baton in the relay race we're all running. That kind of positive energy transfer is exactly how healing is done. That healing is made manifest with every exercise she does, every traction she's in, every Movewell class she attends. It's that go-getter attitude that makes you want to do just that—go get it. Go after becoming greater. In a world gone auto-pilot, it's good to have someone like Arnica around to remind you to fly higher.
Congrats, Arnica! Your enthusiasm truly pays it forward!
Enjoy the Life!

August - 2023
Ethan H.
"Touch gloves."
It's a phrase given by a referee between two athletes who will see each other as fighters. It's recited in the squared circle or the octagon before going for rounds, with both fighters coming out swinging. It's a fight for their lives.
Ethan is that kind of fighter.
Daily sessions with a ScoliBrace, amidst a physically demanding athletic schedule, school, and the angst of teenage life were his opponents. And guess what? He won.
It didn't come easy. Nothing that's worth it ever is. But know this—he fought as if his very life depended on it. Why? Because it does.
Here's your winner, by unanimous decision—Ethan H.
Good fight!

July - 2023
Tammy Y.
It was Albert Einstein who said that the definition of insanity is "the act of doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results."
Ask Tammy Y, and she'll call that "reps." Why? Because that's what builds our strength.
And make no mistake, it takes strength to do what's she's done to get this far in her healing journey.
Takes strength to wear a ScoliBrace for 16-20 hours a day.
Takes strength to hold a career in fitness and a family on your shoulders.
Takes strength to push forward with the determination she has her life and others for the better.
Tammy, you deserve to be honored for your strength.
Thank you for allowing us to make you even stronger.

June - 2023
Roman L.
What an amazing transformation! In just 5 months. Roman has completely changed his life for the better!
His posture has improved dramatically, and the proof is in the pudding—the X-rays don't lie! Couple that with a fervent desire to achieve greatness, and you've got something spectacular going on!
Ask Roman, and he'll tell you it was all thanks to the care he's received here. However, we know none of it would be possible if he wasn't doing his "homework" every day, coming to Movewell to confirm he's doing it all right, and allowing the transformation of his confidence to improve everything else.
Congrats, Roman L. You're SUPER—jus' saiyan.

May - 2023
Garvin P.
The force is strong with this one. It's a force to be reckoned with for sure.
Especially because of his one and a half hour drive to and from the office, his unwavering determination to attend all of our Movewell Workshops, and, most importantly, his executive decision to take on the KyphoBrace as a daily armor.
Match that with a relentless will to learn, and you've got yourself a man with the might of a Jedi knight.
Congrats, Garvin P.
Enjoy the Life!
May the 4th be with you!!

April - 2023
Janet C.
No joke, this patient is a problem-solver—through and through.
She came to us with questions. These were our answers—exercise, the proper supplementation to promote healing, and (in her case) the ScoliBrace.
She made it a point to ask others who are solving their problems this way one great question—does it solve the problem. All she needed was one 'yes.'
Our prior patient of the month gave her that 'yes.' From then on, her conviction towards making the proper changes in her life to promote health and healing prevailed over everything else.
Simply put, she made up her mind to make the change—no matter what.
And it's that conviction that has her standing tall and smiling today.
Congrats, Janet C. You're well on your way!

March - 2023
Danielle R.
She's more than just grateful for her care—she's grateful out loud. In every conversation, she speaks of the reality within her journey.
Every talk features Danielle speaking of her initial struggles, her ongoing work towards using the tools our care has giver her correctly, and how life-changing it all has been for the better.
What does it mean to be a "Patient of the Month?" It's got to be more than just showing up every day to your appointments and following the advice of the doctor.
That shouldn't be considered a special thing—that's protocol.
To be a "Patient of the Month" means that you've done more than just "shown" up—you've had to have "shined" up.
Danielle R. does just that...with her testimony.

February - 2023
Slade A.
He's not so little anymore, but Slade was brought into the knowledge and application of our unique and different approach towards chiropractic care at a fairly young age.
Since then, he's grown to become an inspiring young man. He so inspiring, in fact, that he's compelled the rest of his family. They now do their exercises and Denneroll together with Slade as an example of consistency.
“The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, and the calf and the lion and the fattened calf together; and a little child shall lead them”
--Isaiah 11:6
Enjoy the Life!

January - 2023
Edward H.
We're starting the New Year right with a very special person.
Ed has been consistent in his mission to experience a healthier state of being, and he's shared his happiness along the way.
I mean look at that smile!
There's no better way to kickstart 2023 than with positive energy—much like what Ed presents.
Congrats, Ed!
Enjoy the Life!

December - 2022
Linda P.
"Every. Single. Step."
That's the verbal queue we give this patient in order to stand her tallest. Who would've known that actually applies to all of us?
Linda P. came to us a few months ago stating that she's tried almost everything to heal...and that we were her last hope.
Since then, she's been healing in ways you can't believe!
She knows she still has a way to go, but Linda also knows that she'll reach that destination, standing tall...with every single step.
Those steps forward are what we'd like to call "hope."

November - 2022
Melissa P.
It's this time of year that we all tend to pay more attention to what we're all grateful for.
Simply put, Melissa embodies that.
Everyone can tell that she's healing. We all have been watching her improve. But what strikes us the most is how grateful she seems to be for every part of her care here at Ju Chiropractic Wellness Center.
From coming into the office up to 20 minutes early in order to make sure she beats the traffic and gets the chance to get all her exercises and tractions in, to her generally warm countenance whenever we ask her how she's doing, it's a sight to behold.
Her gratefulness makes us feel just as grateful to help her.
Congrats, Melissa P!
Enjoy the Life!

October - 2022
Elizabeth V.
"It's alive! It's alive!!"
She's no monster of Frankenstein, but her healing has been electrifying! It's not witchcraft--it's all because she does the work!
From making sure her health's a priority by coming to every chiropractic appointment, to doing all her "exorcises", there's nothing stopping Elizabeth V from being the very best she can be!
Congratulations, Elizabeth V.
Enjoy...the life. Muhuhahahaaa!

September - 2022
Holden G.
What does that "G" stand for? It stands for "Greatness." Great attendance, great participation in his healing process, great achievements. He's "Holden" onto everything he's being taught about his health and how to improve it.
He's "Holden" tight and enjoying the ride, and it shows--in every chiropractic visit and in every MoveWell class (of which he's never missed). Being inspired is one thing--being disciplined is a whole other beast. It's a beast he beats to the punch without fail.
That's success. That's the stuff greatness is made of!
Congrats, Holden--you're GOLDEN!
Enjoy the life!

August - 2022
Joo Y.
Greatness is MADE!
Simply put, this patient makes it a point and priority to come to all of his appointments, puts the work in regarding the exercises he does at home, and toughs through a few of the toughest traction setups we've ever put together. "Why," you ask? His answer's simple:
"Because I need it."
It's tough to grin and bare through traction setups that feature anywhere from FIFTY to SIXTY FIVE POUNDS placed on your neck, chin, and chest. It's no walk in the park to stop life dead in its tracks for anywhere between forty-five minutes to an hour and a half in our office each session. But THIS tougher.
Congrats, J.
Thank you and yourself for that maximum effort. MADE!!
Enjoy the Life!

July - 2022
Richard S.
Now here's a man of integrity!
The proof is in the pudding with this guy. Simply put--nine years and still going strong. He's trusted the process for almost a decade without fail. You'll be hard-pressed to find anyone with that much discipline.
If you ask him, he'll tell you that this care has changed his life. He'll tell you that it's up to you to make your health the optimum priority. He'll tell you that is exactly what's he's done, and it shows in everything he does.
It's no longer a secret. The key to longevity is integrity. It's doing the work. It's doing your health justice every single day.
Congratulations, Champ.
Enjoy the Life!

June - 2022
Dr. Ashe
In a world full of people pining for popularity, there exist humble human beings that deserve to be seen. Certain people who do great things, yet do not demand a spotlight or high regard. They just do the work.
Dr. Ashe is one of those humble heroes. She does her homework when it comes to not only her care, but others she helps as a doctor as well. There is one defining instance that struck awe within our team, however--a moment when she connected the dots between our approach towards health with hers. She noticed something in the various x-ray images along our walls--their dental health seemed to deteriorate alongside their posture within the further stages! This led to a revelation that was never even thought of before! That's more than just coincidence--that's brilliance.
Congrats, Dr. Ashe!
You make the world around you smile!
Enjoy the Life!

May - 2022
Karen and Brian H.
That's right--we've got two!
This power couple is inseparable!
There's no way we could only give such a prestigious award to only one of them, because the secret to their healing is their synergy.
Each holds the other accountable.
They live, love, and laugh together through it all. But the greatest attribute of this couple has got to be their humility. They are truly grateful for the care they receive. They feel great because of it, yet show their gratitude in such a humble manner, it's award-worthy.
Congrats Brian and Karen.
We know the both of you "Enjoy the Life!"

April - 2022
Alessandra T.
Spring is a time of blooming and growth. It's a time of brilliance and vibrancy.
It's also a time where this patient has truly begun to shine.
She's got a ways to go, but Alessandra is grateful for every step forward and it shows! Though incremental, every improvement she's made matters to her.
You can actually see her celebrating from the inside out.
It's that type of attitude that increases your altitude when it comes to reaching your goals--in health and life alike.
Congratulations, Alessandra!
You're well on your way to your greatest version--from millimeters to mountains!
Trust the process? Achieve the progress!
Enjoy the Life!!

March - 2022
Paul N.
Most new patients find our unique approach towards corrective care "intense," and Paul was no exception.
He'll admit to you that it all seemed a little intimidating at first. However, he'll also share with you the secret to his success when it comes to receiving this prestigious award--trust.
He trusts the process. He comes in a little earlier each visit despite time constraints in order to make sure he gets all of his exercises and traction. He makes time to do all of the homework given to him, be it Movewell or otherwise, every single day. And, with his "tiger's eye" bead bracelet as his armor, he pushes through traction with a newfound confidence that really lets the healing in.
That's how you do it, champ!
Trust the process? Achieve the progress!
Enjoy the Life!!

February - 2022
Calla T.
Calla's got great attendance and a positive attitude!
She takes her health very seriously, and it shows.
Calla makes it a point to come in a full 30 minutes early every visit. Simply put, she just can't wait to get her healing! That's a positive attitude that's tough to beat, yet easy to love.
Congrats, Calla T.
Enjoy the life!

January - 2022
William M.
If there is one word that could describe this guy, it would be 'perseverance.'
Simply put, no matter what, he makes a way to get here.
Work conflicts? He'll change the time, but not the day.
Traffic? He lets us know his ETA, but also lets us know he will absolutely make it here.
Hurting? He knows he comes here for his healing. He gets it!
Because of that unbreakable will, we give you honor with this award.
Congrats, "William," for always seeing it through!

December - 2021
Kazuki S.
Every once in a while, we come across a person who's so reserved that it stands out--a man or woman of few words who puts in a lot of work.
This month, we celebrate such a person. Kazuki S speaks through his actions. He's got nearly perfect attendance. He does all of his "homework," which results in his posture's improvement. He seizes each day as an opportunity to get better, and it shows. You could say he's quiet, but we say his actions speak louder than any words.
Congrats, Kazuki S.
You're leading your way to your best version.
Enjoy the Life!

November - 2021
Melanie N.
Melanie's one of those patients who truly understands the power of chiropractic, as well as its purpose. It's much more than just the neck and back--it's your health and quality of life.
She's proven that by making sure that she's not the only one who receives our passionate approach towards correctional care. As a matter of fact, Melanie has secured quality correctional care for herself as well as her whole family!
It's the most patient referrals from a single patient we've seen to date. It's that type of light that needs to shine through all of us--now more than ever.
Congrats Melanie!
Enjoy the life!

October - 2021
Matia G.
per·se·ver·ance /ˌpərsəˈvirəns/
persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.
Despite life "happening," Matia has nearly perfect attendance. Regardless of how tough traction is, she pushes through with eyes on the prize--her healing. She's even shared her passion for music by greatly contributing to our in-office playlists. Why? Because she knows that music heals us, too. It's that passion and perseverance that does it for us.
People tend to misspell 'perseverance' when asked to do so. Here at Ju Chiropractic, its proper spelling is only five letters--M.A.T.I.A.
Enjoy the Life.

September - 2021
Ke W.
Here at Ju Chiropractic Wellness Center, we pride ourselves on the foundation of true, objective evidence of your healing. Our pillars are proof and precision. For some, our approach is so unique and different, it's intimidating at first. Once here, however, most realize that our shelter in place features the feeling of family. Because of that, our patients feel like family. Ke "Will" W. is one who's welcomed here, and it shows.
Ke was nervous at first. However, in time, he began to get that feeling of family. And once he truly received that, Ke began to open up and, dare I say it, stand out.
You'll be hard pressed to find a "hello" as heart-warming as his. The way he shares his day-to-day--complete with laughs along the way--feels like family. He gets it. Because of that, he's getting more than just health--he's getting a little bit of home here.
Congrats, Ke. We'll always know "Will."

August - 2021
Fatara M.
Sometimes, we are in the midst of diamonds in the rough. All they need is the right care to curate their greatness and, when ready, their time to shine. Fatara is the embodiment of this concept.
Learning so many new exercises was, at first, difficult. Doing the homework via the Movewell Mobility Kit wasn't an easy task. Wearing a ScoliBrace had its challenges.
But she kept pressing forward. She persevered visit after visit because she was determined to improve her overall health. It takes pressure to make diamonds.
Fatara took those challenges head-on. Because of that, she shines today. Congratulations, Fatara.
You're our Patient of the Month for being the most improved.
Keep shining!

July - 2021
Robin K.
Honesty is the best policy but, let's be honest, most people don't follow it. There are some, however, who live their honesty through-and-through, unapologetically. Rarer still lies an anomaly of human being that transcends past mere honesty and soars toward integrity--who do what's right even when they think no one's watching.
Robin K. is that kind of human being. We see it in her improving posture. We hear it in her voice when she shares her process of progress with us. We feel it in her presence. And dare we say it, if more people approached their health, wellness, and way of life with such integrity, the world would be warmer.
Congrats, Robin K.
Your integrity is more than just appreciated--it's honored here.

June - 2021
Alice C.
She's got nearly perfect attendance. She's a fervent participant of our Movewell Workshops, which occur twice a month. She's got an energetic attitude. But that's not why she's getting this award.
Alice C. earned this award for her unrelenting, selfless effort to get someone she knew that needed our care into our office.
From her recommendation, to helping the potential patient with his application due to English not being his first language, to even sitting with him in the report of finding room for support, Alice has truly shown what it means to mean the best for people around her. It absolutely warms our hearts when we're able to witness such selfless acts of kindness and care.
Congrats, Alice!
May that caring and kind energy come back to you ten-fold!

May - 2021
Teresa S.
"Do, or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda
The force is strong with this one--"life force" that is!
Teresa's been coming for corrective care for only three months, and she's already improving. She's got perfect attendance, participates enthusiastically in our Movewell Workshops every two weeks, and mindfully takes everything she learns home to continue the healing. That adds up to not only better physical functionality, but energy as a whole. Teresa makes it all look easy, but it's hard work. It takes an unrelenting dedication to bettering yourself to get there. Quite simply, she's proven it can be done.
Congrats, Teresa S.
May the fourth be with you!

April - 2021
Anne H.
This month, we want to put the spotlight on the exuberant experience that is Anne H!
Here at Ju Chiropractic Wellness Center, we know that positive energy heals.
It's evident that Anne knows this fact, because she brings that kind of energy into the office every visit.
Her appreciation for every exercise, every adjustment, and every traction setup adds that much more to her healing process--and it shows!
You can see it in her eyes, and feel it in the warmth of her smile.
Just "peep" that positivity!

March - 2021
Lucas W.
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the month of March?
For some, it's the slow change in the weather that transitions us from winter to spring.
For others, it's celebrating St. Patrick's Day.
For us here at Ju Chiropractic Wellness Center, it's all about giving honor to this guy!
He's got perfect attendance, and it shows with amazing results with his chiropractic care.
His presence in the office is top-shelf as well--complete with an incredible sense of humor.
Laughter heals, and his daily dose of jokes add a unique feeling to the office that we truly enjoy.
Congratulations, Lucas W!
Your personality's a pot of gold. Cheers!

February - 2021
Rebecca R.
"Consistency is key, but there are many locks. You have to break those. Perseverance does that." --unknown
This month's award goes to one who defines such perseverance.
You see and feel her purpose from the moment she walks through the door. Her purpose speaks in a stern whisper that says," I am healing today." Trust us when we say her actions speak much louder. By participating fervently in our Movewell Workshop, she's learned more about helping herself to heal than she's ever imagined.
It inspires her to dig deeper into every session, complete with in-depth questions about how she can uniquely achieve success.
For Rebecca, health is the greatest success.
For us, that ours.
Enjoy the Life.

January - 2021
Benjamin B.
This year's recipient of the "Patient of the Month" award goes to a man I'd like to call a "Polite POWERHOUSE."
He's living proof that the difference between 'reserve' and 'resolve' begins with a little push.
He received that push during a Movewell Workshop session. That push turned into a realization for him--he has absolute power over the future of his functionality.
Since that realization, he's turned that power into perseverance with the Movewell program. Coupled with his in-office chiropractic care, he's progressed a great deal. It's enough to blow your mind.
Congrats, Benjamin B. You're the bomb! Enjoy the life.

December - 2020
Sara W.
Usually, we present this award to those who have shown something out of the ordinary.
For our last Patient of the Month for the year 2020, we found ourselves looking at something totally different.
This month, we looked within ourselves. We asked the question,” Who’s the one person that, for whatever reason, seems to be missed when they’re not around?”
The answer was simple—Sara. Can’t quite put our finger on it, but she’s someone whose presence brightens your day.
Guess you could say her presence…is a gift.
Happy Holidays from all of us here at Ju Chiropractic Wellness Center.
Enjoy the Life!

November - 2020
Marissa L.
To keep it short and sweet, Marissa has fantastic results from the care she’s received here.
The exercise, adjustments, and unique traction setups help everyone who set foot into our office.
However, there’s something special about Marissa—she’s truly happy about her change as it’s happening!
Some need to be at the destination to be happy about the result. Marissa enjoys the journey.
You can actually tell how thankful she is. That’s special. That’s what makes all of us here happy. And that’s why she gets this month’s award.
Congrats, Marissa L.
Enjoy the Life!

October - 2020
Erin B.
This month, we celebrate one of our most thrilling patients.
She’s determined to see her healing through by any means necessary, and it shows!
From her dedication to nearly perfect attendance, to her daily commitment to Movewell exercises, to a progression of traction so good it’s scary, Erin B’s got it all!
Congrats, Erin! Enjoy…the life.

September - 2020
Scott B.
When we told Scott that he was September's "Patient of the Month," he was shocked. "Why?" he asked.
He had no idea how much we value his dedication to the healing process, his nearly perfect attendance, and his enthusiastic participation at the Movewell Workshops until that moment.
But that's not all! To date, he is the first patient to ever request another 12-week Movewell progress report card!
What has us grinning from ear the ear was how he asked for it. He simply said,"My healing's just begun."
It surely warms the heart to hear a patient own their journey towards a healthier, happier life.
Thank you for that warmth, Scott.
Congratulations, and "Enjoy the Life!"

August - 2020
Aaron G.
Vroom, vroom! This man is revved up and ready to roll! This athlete/biker comes into the office with expecting to succeed in the mastery of his own body, and digs deep into every challenge along the way.
He’s been dedicating each and every day to his Movewell exercises.
He attends our Movewell workshops. But what makes him extra special is his invigorating enthusiasm towards traction! Nine times out of ten, if you hear the expression “Mmm hmph!” somewhere in the office, it’s HIM!
When recently asked about his will to accept the “challenge of traction,” his reply was golden. He said,”It’s not a challenge. It’s a blessing.” That high-energy ALTITUDE is the key to progressing through the process. It’s his key to success that he turns into the ignition every visit.
Congrats, Aaron G! You’re winning the race!

July - 2020
Cheryl B.
In a world where N-95 masks are worn in uniform, this patient managed to stand out.
How did she do it? One word—“will.”
Cheryl B. sees more than mere value in our services. What she sees is an opportunity for true, life-changing work. With that, she takes the challenge head-on in order to change herself for the better. The road’s rough, but she has the drive. It’s packed with tons of homework in the form of daily exercises and a particularly trying traction, but she’s determined and has claimed her breakthrough.
When there’s a will, there’s a way. Make way for Cheryl B!

April - 2020
That’s right—ALL OF YOU!!
Simply put, all of you matter—especially during this time!
We thank you for your patience with our current sanitization and social distancing protocols!
We thank you for following your Doctor’s recommendations (and your body thanks you, too)!
But most of all, we thank you for getting your exercise, adjustments, and traction to keep your nervous systems strong during COVID-19.
Stay safe out there and, as always…ENJOY THE LIFE!

March - 2020
Guglielmo S.
We know him as “William!” If we could give only one word to describe March 2020’s “Patient of the Month,” it would have to be FORTE.
That’s Italian for STRONG! It’s synonymous with tough.
We say that because William is tough--on himself!
From scheduling his appointments a full THIRTY DAYS OUT, to demanding correctives for every exercise, to taking traction setups to the highest intensity, “William” means business.
For that, we salute him. GODERA LA VITA!
That’s Italian for…ENJOY THE LIFE!

February - 2020
Brittany A.
Oh, how we love Brittany A! Let us all count the ways!
For starters, Brittany is a high advocate of not only chiropractic care, but she’s also frequents our weekly Movewell Workshops!
She’s even created a chart at home to help her keep up!
She’s learning a lot about functional movement and its significance when it comes to living a higher quality of life, and it shows!
The amount of dedication it takes to be not only a new patient, but a new mom, is colossal. However, she does it all!
How? By coming to the realization that it’s all for her benefit.
Simply put, when you’ve got a working plan to win, there’s no way you can lose.
Your attitude’s at high-altitude, Brittany A, and we love that you like it that way!

January - 2020
Donna D.
Without a doubt, Donna gets all A's when it comes to chiropractic care. From her desire to enjoy a better quality of life to her dedication towards every exercise and traction given her way,
Donna's done it all!
Great attendance, a 'let's do it' attitude to traction, and a fervent "Movewell Workshop" attendee! What more could we ask for?
Congrats, Donna. You're well on your way to greatness.
Our first "Patient of the Month" in the year 2020 surely has the vision!

December - 2019
Hope L.
And the last "Patient of the Month" award for the year 2019 goes to??
The definition of tenacity is," The quality or fact of being able to grip something firmly."
Hope holds that fact in her hands. Hope and her family knew she needed a change--a holistic one. Not all change is easy.
Takes a lot to correct the curve of any patient. But for a preteen who has to wear a ScolioBrace while going to school, commit to corrective postural exercise at home, and spend up an hour and a half in weekly tractions, she deserves more than just a "pat on the back" and a "good job" -- she deserves an award.

November - 2019
Carmen S.
She doesn’t just walk into our office—she dances her way in!
Yes, literally!
On top of having nearly perfect attendance, she doubles up her appointments to make sure she stays right on track despite travel!
Carmen has also vowed to take her health into her own hands with our MoveWell Home Mobility Kit and interactive workshops!
That’s a win-win-win! Congrats, Carmen.
From the very beginning, your passion to move has moved us all.
Enjoy the life!

October - 2019
Gina and Rebecca B.
Gina and Rebecca B!! That’s right, it’s a tie!
There’s no way we could choose between the two—as they are mother and daughter! Together, it’s their dedication that makes them the winning team!
They drive almost 2 HOURS to come here for their A.M. Chiropractic appointments, and haven’t skipped a beat.
Once the dynamic duo are here, they spend close to 1 HOUR in the office for exercise/adjustment/traction! Then? They drive all the way BACK. When asked about this amount of dedication, their answer flows freely:
“We want the best care!” Enough said.
Congratulations Gina and Rebecca B!!
Enjoy the life!

September - 2019
Elizabeth C.
This month’s “Patient of the Month” award goes to yet another quiet conqueror of the curve!
We at Ju Chiropractic Wellness Center felt the absolute NEED to highlight Elizabeth C. Why?
Simple--her dedication. She’s making all of her sessions despite a very busy workload, and that deserves such commendation.
She deserves the healing she’s fighting for. She deserves that amazing smile we’re so happy to see because she’s winning that fight—despite the difficulties of dealing with travel while wearing a ScolioBrace for hours and triumphing through intense traction. Because of her hard work, she’s well on her way towards enjoying her life better.
Without question, as you’re reading this, you also deserve to enjoy YOUR life better. However, the question Elizabeth C. might ask you would be,”Are you willing to fight for it?”

August - 2019
Jane G.
This woman is living proof that curiosity actually CURES the cat!
What started off as a curious inquiry about our unique method of chiropractic care turned into healing for this incredible woman!
What makes her incredible? One word—“drive.”
Ever since her first experience here at the wellness center, Jane’s been surprising herself with how much more she’s “enjoying the life!”
From realizing increases in her mobility to attending music concerts void of pain and discomfort, Jane G. knows and truly shows the healing power of chiropractic on a daily basis!
It’s a genuine energy she aspires everyone to experience—including you! So why wait another day?
Come on in, join Jane G., and get your healing! ENJOY THE LIFE!!

July - 2019
Dwight M.
This man sure is standing tall!
That’s because he’s worked so hard since becoming a patient here at Ju Chiropractic Wellness Center to not only change his posture, but truly change his life!
From losing 30 lbs since his first visit, to literally being taken off of blood pressure medications, Dwight has a tried-and-true testimony thanks to chiropractic care.
Clothed in a cool-as-a-cucumber attitude, a smooth stride, and a passionate aspiration to become his greatest version, this man is a parable the likes of which we should all allow ourselves to be inspired.
Congrats, Dwight! ENJOY THE LIFE!!

June - 2019
Ivanna A.
Ivanna’s quite the anomaly, and that’s what makes her so special!
She possesses more than just a positive attitude—she’s in a higher altitude! Her laugh convinces you to do the same, and the rapport she has with everyone—be it staff or patient—truly warms your heart and lets you know you’re in the right place!
It’s been a while since we’ve seen a patient with such attention to every detail of their care.
Ivanna jots down every nook and cranny of her chiropractic care—every exercise, traction setup, and exam—in her personal journal!
Her dedication and participation are all we could ever ask for in a patient! As a matter of fact? That’s all we could ever ask in anyone.
Congrats, Ivanna. ENJOY THE LIFE!!

May - 2019
Seung Y.
In a world where the loudest seem to be the only ones heard or seen, we at Ju Chiropractic Wellness Center take pride in showing that the perseverant and poised are voiced.
Such is this month’s revered patient, Seung Y.
No matter how much is ordered for her corrective care, she takes it all in quiet stride. She’s seen results and realizes that this work is worth it.
So much so, that she’s brought in her own son to the office for corrective care.
With this month being one in which we celebrate mothers everywhere, what better person to highlight right here!
Congrats, Seung Y! ENJOY THE LIFE!!

April - 2019
Jack and Joseph A.
Yep, you heard that right—TWO INSTEAD OF ONE!!
There’s no way we could ever separate such greatness!
These identical twins have a lot in common, but the greatest is their matching state of mind when it comes to chiropractic care!
Both utilize the state-of-the-art ScoliBrace as a means for correctional care for the spine. Both wear it for close to 22 HOURS A DAY!
But the best thing is that they’re BOTH REACHING OPTIMUM RESULTS!! Add to that their positive attitudes, and you’ve got yourself not ONE, but TWO WINNERS!!!
Congrats, guys. ENJOY THE LIFE!

March - 2019
Maribel A.
For this month’s award recipient, being here at Ju Chiropractic Wellness Center was more than just a feeling—it was an all-out fight for her pain to be fully understood.
Due to Spanish being her first and most predominant language, each and every detail of her care—in both giving and receiving information—had to be interpreted. However, her true belief that this office was the best place to come helped Maribel persevere. Because of that, she’s not only learned how her body can change for the better, but she’s put it all into action. Her improvement shows this beyond any speculation. But what really makes this woman stand out is the fact that she brings family into it—complete with husband in tow every step of the way. Congrats, Maribel! Keep that fight, that faith, and that family with you always. ENJOY THE LIFE!!

February - 2019
Steve P.
Steve has a true passion—physical and metaphysical care.
Understanding the “life force” within his body was in need of improvement for a better quality of life brought him to the office.
Since then, Steve’s energy has improved greatly.
He’s embraced the process with patience, is enjoying the progress through his passion, and makes every effort to be a participatory factor in forging his greatest version.
Congrats, Steve P! ENJOY THE LIFE!!

January - 2019
Parker E.
This guy is no stranger to holistic care!
Not only is he a dedicated practitioner of Yoga, he’s also a Ju Chiropractic Wellness Center “Lifetime Health Club” member!
This is because he’s made the choice to continue his care past the corrective stage in order to maintain his progress!
Traveling the world over does not stop this man from coming to the office at LEAST twice a month!
That’s longevity and love for his healing!
Not to mention the fact that he lives and loves through laughter!
That kind of lighthearted spirit is healing just the same!
Congrats, Parker E! You’re our FIRST Patient of the Month of 2019!

December - 2018
Joshua G.
If he had to be summed up into a single word, Joshua G. truly is…a gift. Joshua’s consistency with home care shines through by way of the results he’s gifted himself.
Equipped with the revolutionary “ScoliBrace,” Josh has dedicated himself to a whopping 8-10 HOURS OF TRACTION PER DAY!
On top of that, his courage helped to push him forward every step of the way through the MOST INTENSE HARDCORE FUNCTIONALITY CLASS OF THE YEAR! It was ONE-ON-ONE for an ENTIRE HOUR!
This alone is living proof that Joshua wants to do more than merely “survive”—he wants to THRIVE! Combine that with a charisma that pushes everyone around him towards their greatness, and you’ve got a winner!
Congrats, Joshua G! WE SALUTE YOU!!

November - 2018
Michael R.
This man has what we’ve coined as “relentless resolve.” What do we mean by that? We mean that he means BUSINESS.
He powers through in order to prove the point that chiropractic care is not just ONE way towards his healing—IT’S THE ONLY WAY!
MICHAEL knows that healing is as healing does, and that healing comes by degrees.
Though the road is tough, he knows he’s TOUGHER!
CONGRATS, MIKE. Your relentless resolve will keep you AHEAD OF THE CURVE well beyond your years!

October - 2018
Suzanne R.
This month, we are showcasing a truly triumphant woman.
Ever since her first treatment, Suzanne’s reported vast improvements in just about every facet of her daily life!
Trust in the healing process has compelled Suzanne to make her chiropractic appointments top priority AND IT SHOWS!
Just LOOK at that SMILE!!
On top of that, she’s also been a fervent participant in the office’s HARDCORE FUNCTIONALITY class held each month, which helps boost Suzanne’s energy into overdrive.
Ask her and she’ll tell you without hesitation how much her life has changed for the better due to our wellness center.
A high altitude attitude like that DESERVES AN AWARD! Congrats, Suzanne! You’re a star!

September - 2018
Steve R.
Now here’s a gentle giant that’s never met a stranger!
No matter what, Steve has remained dedicated to his care.
Steve realizes that his wellness care keeps him on his toes when it comes to old habits, encourages new ones and, thus, improves his quality of life by the thousands!
His overall improvement shows that he’s been holding himself accountable by keeping up with his appointments, as well as committing the time to Denneroll each day.
But what we love the most is his striking personality that has everyone in the office, be it patient or staff, feeling like family!
Congrats Steve! You’re electric!

August - 2018
Karen B.
Sometimes, the modest light makes its way into being seen as the brightest star. This woman is, without a doubt, that light!
She’s consistent with her chiropractic care with a nearly PERFECT attendance record!
She’s patient, and it shows from her steady progression in regards to her posture and improving her quality of life.
She’s quiet but, ironically, it’s her calmness that excites us!
Congratulations Karen B on your success thus far.
You’re truly an inspiration in this office!

July - 2018
Susan I.
Wanna know what’s great about Susan I? EVERYTHING!
From her laugh that coerces you to laughter, to her love for pets, to her progress through chiropractic care, she’s AMAZING!
Embracing the change, she’s adjusted her schedule to ensure she makes all of her appointments.
By putting her trust and full energy into the exercise-adjustment-traction principle, Susan has improved not only her posture, but her balance and immunity as well!
No doubt about it, Susan I. definitely has shown what it takes to stay “ahead of the curve” with true integrity.
Congrats, Susan!!

June - 2018
Nicole M.
A proud Vegan, she’s got quite the health consciousness!
This patient found out what we could do to help her through Chiropractic care and, from day one, she was ALL IN!
Despite work schedule, she’s made it a point to come to every appointment! Nicole truly knows the impact that makes towards healing.
However, she’s also come to realize how much hard work it takes to change the curve.
SHE’S BEEN ON ALMOST EVERY TRACTION DEVICE IN THE OFFICE, but she knows the results are well worth the work.
Her “whatever it takes” attitude is the reason why she’s succeeding. Congratulations, Nicole M – your trust in the process continues the progress!!!

May - 2018
Brian W.
Brian has the determination and drive to stay “ahead of the curve” when it comes to his chiropractic care!
Regardless of his busy work schedule, he’s shown due diligence towards making every appointment each week in order to empower his body with proper alignment.
His progress thus far speaks for itself, but know that you’re a handshake away from having such testimony of the CBP system spoken passionately.
Congratulations, Brian W.
You are well on your way towards a healthier, happier life. Enjoy!

April - 2018
Sabrina J.
Clothed in a nurturing spirit, Sabrina is definitely a big part of our office! Her patience with the process and love for the progress of chiropractic care shines through her smile whenever she’s here.
A proactive person of poise and compassion for herself and others, Sabrina has on more than one accord taken the initiative towards helping others through exercise and positivity.
We’ve seen her beside new patients helping them with wobble chair and power plate exercises, as well as talk to people about the power of chiropractic by her own testimony.
And surely, to hear her laugh will keep anyone storming through rainy days to find their sunshine.

March - 2018
Youngli Y.
An optimistic outlook on life is integral if you want to receive the healing that’s here for you, and Youngli Y definitely has it!
And it shows!
She’s had a huge improvement in regards to her posture and overall functionality, and is eager to continue the process towards becoming her best version.
Though quiet, she’s living proof that actions speak louder than words—especially when it comes to healing!

February - 2018
Janet H.
Want to hear someone who speaks high praises about chiropractic, look no further!
She has that energy that takes a stand and says, “I can, and I WILL!” Since coming to the office, she’s referred multiple people to our care.
On top of that, all of her advances in chiropractic care via exercise and traction have come BY HER REQUEST!
Before we even began to add to her care, she already started ASKING FOR MORE! This is the high altitude type of attitude that allows healing energy IN!!
If you EVER need inspiration to push through the process towards your progress, JANET’S YOUR BEST BET!!

January - 2018
Roger G.
Armed with a strong handshake and a positive attitude, this man means business!
He truly understands the value of chiropractic care—to the point where he’s made it his highest priority.
Roger has shown on multiple occasions that his work comes second to his health, as he’s rescheduled projects in order to make it in the office!
Every time we’ve hinted about a new traction setup, his response has always been, “Bring it on!”
Need inspiration? Want to learn how to keep your eyes on the prize? Keep your eyes on THIS guy!

December - 2017
Marie B.
You want a powerhouse to look up to?
Marie is definitely the one to see!
Armed with more stride, swing, and sway due to her chiropractic care. Marie truly knows the benefit of the holistic approach towards being “ahead of the curve!”
She has thoroughly proven through her improved posture and functionality how important it is to continue the work of wellness through home care.
She’s also never missed a single appointment.
If inspiration’s what you need, MARIE B. is your source, INDEED!

November - 2017
Katie G.
This patient was passionate at heart from the very start!
With only 30 days under her belt, she’s the newest patient who’s achieved this prestigious award in the shortest amount of time!
This is because her genuine passion to learn the power of chiropractic care has brought her to every seminar.
She has even referred people in need of our help--which have resulted in more patients!
Simply put, Katie G. is on fire and more than ready to inspire!

October - 2017
Robert S.
Though he’s only been receiving treatment for a short period of time, it’s quite apparent that Robert has a genuine desire to heal.
With exercise and traction spanning the entire office, Robert’s truly “ahead of the curve!”
He’s got a great smile, and welcomes humor throughout his visit as a means to channel happiness and promote a healthier life!
Congrats, Robert S! You’re one of the very best!

September - 2017
Yakup Y.
What an incredible kid this is!
He’s not only our youngest “Patient of the Month”, but he’s earned this award, tried and true, for a very specific reason:
He learned how to set up his own Denneroll traction!
On top of that, he’s got the strong-willed determination to win, as he’s been asking all month how to earn this prestigious title!
His mother, complete with tears of joy, is happy that he will not have to wear the brace due to his consistency, and we are, too!

August - 2017
Chris C.
Armed to the teeth with a great smile, a determination to heal, and his trademark, blueberry-flavored mouthguard.
Chris is ready for a whole new world of healing!
Not only has he been diligent in his progress towards following the healing process, he’s currently in possession of one of the best “5 point” postures in the office!
Without a doubt, Chris is well deserving of such an honor!

July - 2017
Courtney M. and Stephani C.
Our July Patient of the Month? We have a tie!
We, honestly, couldn’t decide which one to pick between these two!
They’re both true believers in the healing process that takes place here in the office!
They’ve both worked tirelessly to organize and maintain their treatments, and are always looking forward to the “next move” each week!
When it comes to being leaders in the race towards the best versions of themselves, these two are “neck and neck” and tough to beat!

June - 2017
William L.
William is charismatic and makes the office welcoming, fun and dynamic!
He so outgoing that if you've been in the office while he's here I'm sure he's spoken to you!
Perseverance is a virtue and William embodies sticking with it - he shows up and puts the work in even with his children in tow!
And William is accountable, there are no excuses, he does what needs to be done when it needs to be done.
Having William in the office brings a sense of joy to all around. He's like a big kid coming to the playground!

May - 2017
Sungsoon 'Susan' L.
Susan always enters the office with a smile!
She is kind and sweet to all.
She has been coming to maintain her health for awhile and brings a sense of serenity to the office.
We love seeing Susan and enjoy her soft, friendly demeanor.

April - 2017
Devarshi P.
Devarshi is dependable, optimistic, vibrant and inquisitive!
All qualities that make a great patient.
We love patients that come to all their appointments with a great attitude, are involved and want to know how and why their treatments plans are working!
Seeing you continue to work hard for your phenomenal results is inspiring!

March - 2017
Callie W.
Callie never fails to exceed expectations.
She is faithful – her faith is an important component to her incredible spirit and her faithfulness to her treatment is helping to regain her health!
Callie, congratulations on being named Patient of the Month and continue to achieve all your goals!

February - 2017
Shawn B.
Shawn is awesome in so many ways it's hard to pick just a few attributes to share!
She is dedicated - always keeping her appointments and doing all the hard work to continue to heal and be healthy!
She is joyful - her laugh is contagious and guaranteed to brighten everyone's day!
9:00am - 11:30am
2:00pm - 6:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 11:30am
2:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 11:30am
2:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Ju Chiropractic Wellness Center
5314 NC-55 Suite 105
Durham, NC 27713